
Infosec Reading List - October 2023

On a monthly basis I will publish my reading recommendations which mainly focus on Information Security (InfoSec) and Outdoor Sports. All InfoSec Reading Lists can be found here. Text in italic represent quotes from the original article.

Quotes from the Twitterverse

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  • Cybersecurity is lost: The story of the man in the van - Cybersecurity isn’t just about numbers, statistics, or even technology. It’s about people. It’s about ensuring that individuals can live in a digital age without fear. - [link]
  • Qubes Disposables - the Whonix page has an interesting article about Qubes Disposable VMs - All changes to a Disposable’s file system are discarded upon shutdown. However, Disposables are similar to snapshots insofar as they can leave traces of their activity on storage and in memory. These traces may be later recoverable through data forensics. - [link]
  • Disarm BusKill in QubesOS - This post will describe how to setup keyboard shortcuts in QubesOS so that you can temporarily disarm (pause) the BusKill laptop kill cord. - [link]
  • GPT-4 for personal productivity: online distraction blocker - interesting approach: use ChatGPT to help you boost your productivity - of course it has various aspects to consider: costs, privacy, response time etc. but the use case is interesting - [link]
  • Signal says there is no evidence rumored zero-day bug is real - [link]
  • BitLocker Attacks - A list of public attacks on BitLocker - [link]



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