
Infosec Reading List - July 2017

On a monthly basis I will publish my reading recommendations which mainly focus on Information Security (InfoSec) and Outdoor Sports. All InfoSec Reading Lists can be found here. Text in italic represent quotes from the original article.

Quotes from the Twitterverse

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  • Pnyetya: Yet Another Ransomware Outbreak - [link]
  • The Behavioral Economics of Why Executives Underinvest in Cybersecurity - “If the focus of cybersecurity programs continues to be on designing better technologies to combat the growing menace of cyberattacks, we’ll continue to neglect the most important aspect of security — the person in the middle.” - [link]
  • Travel (Linux) laptop setup - Some interesting aspects of bringing a device into China the secure way - [link]
  • The 5 Stages of Data Breach Grief - [link]
  • Awesome OSINT Awesome - “A curated list of amazingly awesome open source intelligence tools and resources.” - [link]
  • The .io Error – Taking Control of All .io Domains With a Targeted Registration - [link]
  • Beyond public key encryption - [link]
  • Rooting a Printer: From Security Bulletin to Remote Code Execution - [link]
  • Google’s Elite Hacker SWAT Team vs. Everyone - [link]
  • One Cloud-based Local File Inclusion = Many Companies affected - that’s the risk in case you use 3rd party software which source code you don’t own - [link]
  • Red Team Insights on HTTPS Domain Fronting Google Hosts Using Cobalt Strike - [link]
  • Blind XXE - Hunting in the Dark - [link]
  • Lifting the clouds from cloud investigations - [link]
  • Victoria Police cancel hundreds of speeding fines after WannaCry virus attack - [link]
  • NonPetya: no evidence it was a “smokescreen” - [link]
  • LeakerLocker: Mobile Ransomware Acts Without Encryption - the interesting part of this malware is that it threatens to share private content with people in the contact list - we have to expect more malware/ransomware like this which threatens to publish private information in the future - [link]
  • Can files locked by WannaCry be decrypted: A technical analysis - [link]
  • Two Ztorg Trojans Removed from Google Play Store Are Definitely Better - on the difficulty of finding malicious code updates of android apps - [link]
  • Google Play is fighting an uphill battle against Android adware - [link]


  • Essay: New Conquerors of The Useless — The Role Of Achieving Nothing in a World Obsessed with Doing Everything - [link]
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